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Showing posts from December, 2012

Christmas' Eve and Christmas Day

MERRY CHRISTMAS,EVERYONE~!! SELAMAT HARI NATAL~!! Well,sebenernya, di Indonesia belum natal sii. Sekitar sejam lagi lah. Hehee.. Baru berasa loh sekarang. Biasanya,tiap tahun malah,gw natalan selalu dirumah, bareng nyokap, bokap,adek2 gw. Menggila bareng adek2 gw. Nyobain makanan sama kue2 dirumah keluarga yang kita datengin. Kalo gak nyuguhin minuman buat tamu yang dateng ke rumah. Gw biasanya bareng2 ama keluarga gw. Ke gereja bareng pagi2 pas natal. Gw inget, dulu pernah, kita tuker2an kado buat natal. Bokap gw ngasih kaos klo gak salah. Nyokap gw ngasih pigura, isinya foto gw lagi digendong ama bokap, foto gw dengan pose epik gw (yang membuktikan kenapa gw lebih suka foto dengan pose aneh2,klo temen gw bilang foto epik, ketimbang foto cantik. Tapi klo ada yang nawarin gw suruh foto cantik di studio+make up+baju, gw gak nolak sii. Hehee), foto nyokap gw waktu masih muda, dan foto adek2 gw yang waktu itu masih unyu (sekarang si udah amit2 dah. I MISS YOU,GUYS!!). Adek2 gw,gw l...

New yet Lonesome Experience. TT.TT

It's December and CHRISTMAS IS RIGHT IN THE CORNER!! How will you spend this year Christmas? With family, or someone special (bestfriend,boyfriend,girlfriend)? How,how,how,how? What? Me? Well,It's official. I will spend Christmas this year alone. Without my family (main family. Mom, dad, and my i-can't-let-you-go-even-if-you're-annoying little brother and sister). And what do I get? A Lonely Christmas.  TT.TT Sad, definitely. Excited,hmm,a little. Hehee.. I think, I can't feel the essence of Christmas this year. I'll only look that day as 25th of December. Why? Not because I don't celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ,I do, but I wanna see it as a different route(?). Maybe because I have had celebrate it before the exact date (FYI,I've attended Christmas celebration party at December 8th) so I'm thinking that 8 December was Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. Well, I don't know exactly what am I talking about and what am I wanna tell you,guys...

Friendship (Past,Now,Future Edition)

Somehow,I was thinking about friends when I saw some post at my Facebook group and Facebook's news feed. I saw a lot of post from my friends there (well,there're some people that I don't know why I accepted their request although I didn't know them. --'). Most of them complaining about something. I saw some of their status,reading the comments that have been added,and I started to think they have a new circle (of friendship,I mean). Sometimes,I commented on their status. But most of them didn't give an exact respond,maybe my comment was not worth to reply or maybe they didn't know how to reply that. I don't know,maybe that's me think negatively, or that's the exact reason, and I began to think "aaa,I'm out of their circles right now. It's OK". I can say "it's ok",but deep inside my heart, disappointment rushing out,dominating my brain to think "Ya!* They didn't think you as friend anymore. As best friend a...

"Layu Sebelum Berkembang" Lyrics

Title: Layu Sebelum Berkembang Written by Andi Riyanto Performed by Nathan Hartono Hatiku hancur mengenang dikau Berkeping-keping jadinya Kini air mata jatuh bercucuran Tiada lagi harapan Tiada seindah waktu itu Dunia berseri-seri Malam bagai siang seterang hatiku Penuh harapan dalammu * Kini hancur berderai Kesedihan berandai Kuncup dihatiku yang lama kusimpan Kini hancur sebelum berkembang Mengapa ini harus terjadi Di tengah kebahagiaan Kuingin rasakan lebih lama lagi Hidup bersama denganmu Kuingin rasakan lebih lama lagi Hidup bersama denganmu This is a soundtrack for "Langit Ke 7" movie, directed by Rudi Soejarwo. I wrote this lyric based on my hearing ability, so I'm sorry if there's some mistakes. ^^ Ah! And this is my first post about lyrics. Kekekeke.. ^^